Fact File 2 - Lowering final mile costs

Sorted fact file: Lowering final mile costs

Based on a bonus episode of the Sorted Retail Sessions podcast, this guide gives you all the need-to-know about post-purchase tech and how it can save you money.

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What’s the challenge?

Retailers are facing pressure to reduce spend on the post-purchase experience without compromising on customer experience or competitive advantage.

What metrics do retailers monitor when they’re optimising final mile costs?

‘Where is my order?’ contacts (WISMO)

‘Where is my return?’ contacts (WISMR)

First contact resolution

Time to resolve

Customer retention (including NPS and CSAT)

Top tip #1

Warehouse, CX, Marketing, Logistics and finance should work together to address this challenge.

The cost of the WISMO problem

Most WISMO contacts average at around £4-£6 per resolution. One retailer told us they pay up to £14 per contact which, during peak periods, could cost them up to £250,000 per week. A very expensive problem to have.

Costs allocation

How do retailers cut costs with post-purchase tech?

Sending branded delivery updates via email or SMS and pushing customers to self-serve their own WISMO queries with branded parcel tracking pages; two ways to lower call centre costs.

Agents with holistic dashboard views of delivery operations can answer queries faster and therefore at a lower cost.

The solution?

Double arrows

Cutting final mile costs shouldn’t be detrimental to the customer experience. WISMO is continually the largest driver of customer dissatisfaction as well as post-purchase spend for retailers, so driving contacts, and costs, down with delivery tech is crucial.

User tracking their order

Top tip #2

Want to see post-purchase technology in action. Click this link to get access to an on-demand, no-obligation demo.

Which retailers are taking action over final mile spending?

  • asda
  • insight
  • Graham & Brown
  • musicMagpie
  • asda
  • insight
  • Graham & Brown
  • musicMagpie

Useful resources.

  • A Session on reducing final mile costs, Sorted Retail Sessions Podcast. Link here.
  • Sorted Retail Sessions Podcast, 15+ episodes. Link here.
  • The Science of Delivery Experience, Sorted.com. Link here.
  • Customer stories, Sorted.com. Link here.

Stats and facts.

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Want to hear more?

Get in touch to discuss your budget efficiency goals, or to hear about how post-purchase tech can improve your customer experience.